Imunity now
Immunity Shield
Keep your immune system two steps ahead by providing your body with the necessary nutrients to help maintain and regain vibrant health. Our custom immunity boosting IV activates and supports your body's natural defenses that help fight infections. The key ingredients of high dose Vitamin C, Lysine, and Zinc work synergistically to reduce inflammation, shortening the duration of sickness or recovery after surgery.
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Imunity now
Immunity Shield
Keep your immune system two steps ahead by providing your body with the necessary nutrients to help maintain and regain vibrant health. Our custom immunity boosting IV activates and supports your body's natural defenses that help fight infections. The key ingredients of high dose Vitamin C, Lysine, and Zinc work synergistically to reduce inflammation, shortening the duration of sickness or recovery after surgery.
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Imunity now
Immunity Shield
Keep your immune system two steps ahead by providing your body with the necessary nutrients to help maintain and regain vibrant health. Our custom immunity boosting IV activates and supports your body's natural defenses that help fight infections. The key ingredients of high dose Vitamin C, Lysine, and Zinc work synergistically to reduce inflammation, shortening the duration of sickness or recovery after surgery.
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Imunity now
Immunity Shield
Keep your immune system two steps ahead by providing your body with the necessary nutrients to help maintain and regain vibrant health. Our custom immunity boosting IV activates and supports your body's natural defenses that help fight infections. The key ingredients of high dose Vitamin C, Lysine, and Zinc work synergistically to reduce inflammation, shortening the duration of sickness or recovery after surgery.
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Imunity now
Immunity Shield
Keep your immune system two steps ahead by providing your body with the necessary nutrients to help maintain and regain vibrant health. Our custom immunity boosting IV activates and supports your body's natural defenses that help fight infections. The key ingredients of high dose Vitamin C, Lysine, and Zinc work synergistically to reduce inflammation, shortening the duration of sickness or recovery after surgery.
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Boosts Immune System
Boosts Immune System
Fights Free Radicals
Fights Free Radicals
Replenishes Electrolytes
Replenishes Electrolytes
Replenishes Electrolytes
Replenishes Electrolytes
Replenishes Electrolytes
Boosts Energy
Boosts Energy
Boosts Energy
Boosts Energy
Boosts Energy
Boosts Overall Wellness
Boosts Overall Wellness
Ascorbic Acid
Frequently asked questions
How much does Checkmate cost?
Do you take insurance?
Is my health information safe?
What areas do you service?
How quickly can I get an appointment?
Do you provide emergency care?
Do you have any rewards or membership program?
How should I prepare for my appointment?
Frequently asked questions
How much does Checkmate cost?
Do you take insurance?
Is my health information safe?
What areas do you service?
How quickly can I get an appointment?
Do you provide emergency care?
Do you have any rewards or membership program?
How should I prepare for my appointment?
Frequently asked questions
How much does Checkmate cost?
Do you take insurance?
Is my health information safe?
What areas do you service?
How quickly can I get an appointment?
Do you provide emergency care?
Do you have any rewards or membership program?
How should I prepare for my appointment?
Frequently asked questions
How much does Checkmate cost?
Do you take insurance?
Is my health information safe?
What areas do you service?
How quickly can I get an appointment?
Do you provide emergency care?
Do you have any rewards or membership program?
How should I prepare for my appointment?
Frequently asked questions
How much does Checkmate cost?
Do you take insurance?
Is my health information safe?
What areas do you service?
How quickly can I get an appointment?
Do you provide emergency care?
Do you have any rewards or membership program?
How should I prepare for my appointment?
Contact us
Talk to us today about how we can best serve your needs

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Intravenous Therapeutics
Orthopedic & Sports Medicine
Pre-Surgical Testing
Women's Health
Mental Health
Service Areas Contact
US/USVI/PR: (929) 810-1018
LA: (323) 940-9540
NY: (917) 947-9747
DC: (202) 900-3373
MIA: (305) 902-5977
© 2025 Checkmate Health Strategies PA P.C.
All rights reserved.
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Intravenous Therapeutics
Health & Wellness
Genetic Testing
Group & Event / Production
Global Health Retreats
Service Areas Contact
US/USVI/PR: (929) 810-1018
LA: (323) 940-9540
NY: (917) 947-9747
DC: (202) 900-3373
MIA: (305) 902-5977
© 2025 Checkmate Health Strategies PA P.C.
All rights reserved.
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Intravenous Therapeutics
Health & Wellness
Genetic Testing
Group & Event / Production
Global Health Retreats
Service Areas Contact
US/USVI/PR: (929) 810-1018
LA: (323) 940-9540
NY: (917) 947-9747
DC: (202) 900-3373
MIA: (305) 902-5977
© 2025 Checkmate Health Strategies PA P.C.
All rights reserved.
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About Us
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Intravenous Therapeutics
Health & Wellness
Genetic Testing
Group & Event / Production
Global Health Retreats
Service Areas Contact
US/USVI/PR: (929) 810-1018
LA: (323) 940-9540
NY: (917) 947-9747
DC: (202) 900-3373
MIA: (305) 902-5977
© 2025 Checkmate Health Strategies PA P.C.
All rights reserved.
Contact us
Talk to us today about how we can best serve your needs

Quick Links
Intravenous Therapeutics
Orthopedic & Sports Medicine
Pre-Surgical Testing
Women's Health
Mental Health
Service Areas Contact
US/USVI/PR: (929) 810-1018
LA: (323) 940-9540
NY: (917) 947-9747
DC: (202) 900-3373
MIA: (305) 902-5977
© 2025 Checkmate Health Strategies PA P.C.
All rights reserved.