Skin centric beauty
Royal Flush
Hold the winning suit. Royal Flush is a combination of essential antioxidants Alpha Lipoic Acid & Glutathione, that help to detox the body, flush heavy metals, activate the immune system, fight cellular damage and increase energy. This IV will restore essential electrolytes aiding in recovery from severe dehydration, exercise fatigue, headaches, and/or hangover. We highly recommend this IV for pescatarians to help reduce the accumulation of mercury in the system.
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Skin centric beauty
Royal Flush
Hold the winning suit. Royal Flush is a combination of essential antioxidants Alpha Lipoic Acid & Glutathione, that help to detox the body, flush heavy metals, activate the immune system, fight cellular damage and increase energy. This IV will restore essential electrolytes aiding in recovery from severe dehydration, exercise fatigue, headaches, and/or hangover. We highly recommend this IV for pescatarians to help reduce the accumulation of mercury in the system.
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Skin centric beauty
Royal Flush
Hold the winning suit. Royal Flush is a combination of essential antioxidants Alpha Lipoic Acid & Glutathione, that help to detox the body, flush heavy metals, activate the immune system, fight cellular damage and increase energy. This IV will restore essential electrolytes aiding in recovery from severe dehydration, exercise fatigue, headaches, and/or hangover. We highly recommend this IV for pescatarians to help reduce the accumulation of mercury in the system.
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Skin centric beauty
Royal Flush
Hold the winning suit. Royal Flush is a combination of essential antioxidants Alpha Lipoic Acid & Glutathione, that help to detox the body, flush heavy metals, activate the immune system, fight cellular damage and increase energy. This IV will restore essential electrolytes aiding in recovery from severe dehydration, exercise fatigue, headaches, and/or hangover. We highly recommend this IV for pescatarians to help reduce the accumulation of mercury in the system.
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Skin centric beauty
Royal Flush
Hold the winning suit. Royal Flush is a combination of essential antioxidants Alpha Lipoic Acid & Glutathione, that help to detox the body, flush heavy metals, activate the immune system, fight cellular damage and increase energy. This IV will restore essential electrolytes aiding in recovery from severe dehydration, exercise fatigue, headaches, and/or hangover. We highly recommend this IV for pescatarians to help reduce the accumulation of mercury in the system.
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Reduces Inflammation
Improves Productivity
Removes Toxins
Fights Oxidation
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Dextrose 5% in water (D5W) (Slow Infusion; 1-1 1⁄2 hours)
Glutathione (IV Push)
Ondansetron *by request*
Famotidine *by request*
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Frequently asked questions
How much does Checkmate cost?
Do you take insurance?
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What areas do you service?
How quickly can I get an appointment?
Do you provide emergency care?
Do you have any rewards or membership program?
How should I prepare for my appointment?
Frequently asked questions
How much does Checkmate cost?
Do you take insurance?
Is my health information safe?
What areas do you service?
How quickly can I get an appointment?
Do you provide emergency care?
Do you have any rewards or membership program?
How should I prepare for my appointment?
Frequently asked questions
How much does Checkmate cost?
Do you take insurance?
Is my health information safe?
What areas do you service?
How quickly can I get an appointment?
Do you provide emergency care?
Do you have any rewards or membership program?
How should I prepare for my appointment?
Frequently asked questions
How much does Checkmate cost?
Do you take insurance?
Is my health information safe?
What areas do you service?
How quickly can I get an appointment?
Do you provide emergency care?
Do you have any rewards or membership program?
How should I prepare for my appointment?
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Service Areas Contact
US/USVI/PR: (929) 810-1018
LA: (323) 940-9540
NY: (917) 947-9747
DC: (202) 900-3373
MIA: (305) 902-5977
© 2025 Checkmate Health Strategies PA P.C.
All rights reserved.
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US/USVI/PR: (929) 810-1018
LA: (323) 940-9540
NY: (917) 947-9747
DC: (202) 900-3373
MIA: (305) 902-5977
© 2025 Checkmate Health Strategies PA P.C.
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Intravenous Therapeutics
Orthopedic & Sports Medicine
Pre-Surgical Testing
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Service Areas Contact
US/USVI/PR: (929) 810-1018
LA: (323) 940-9540
NY: (917) 947-9747
DC: (202) 900-3373
MIA: (305) 902-5977
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US/USVI/PR: (929) 810-1018
LA: (323) 940-9540
NY: (917) 947-9747
DC: (202) 900-3373
MIA: (305) 902-5977
© 2025 Checkmate Health Strategies PA P.C.
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Service Areas Contact
US/USVI/PR: (929) 810-1018
LA: (323) 940-9540
NY: (917) 947-9747
DC: (202) 900-3373
MIA: (305) 902-5977
© 2025 Checkmate Health Strategies PA P.C.
All rights reserved.